A trip down to memory lane (Top 5 significant moments from the last two decades)
Hello everyone! We're only 24 hours away from the new year! Not just any new year, its gonna be 2020! This will mark 2 decades of mankind being in the 21st century! So as we look forward to the year to come, let us take a look at the top 5 significant moments from the last two decades.
1. Bluetooth

We all know the technology that revolutionized the way information & data has been transmitted. Bluetooth technology is now part & parcel of our daily lives and we can only thank Ericsson for it. When you look inside this technology, it works using short-wavelength UHF radio waves and it was an invention that came courtesy of Ericsson in 1994. While this was the point at which the technology gained traction, it is an evolution of the “short-link” radio technology that was originally pioneered by Nils Rydbeck and Johan Ullman in 1989. Even our products use Bluetooth technology!
2. Facebook & the rise of social media

Linking the world with communication is becoming a powerful theme through these top spot holders in terms of technological advancements, and perhaps none have pushed the envelope quite like Facebook has. Facebook was the pioneer of social media in general, created in 2004, bringing the capability to the average person and changing the world forever. Now social media is essential for business, a primary channel for news consumption and it is used in an influential way globally.
3. The 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers

Islamic terrorist group Al-Qaeda conduct a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks against the United States of America. Both Twin Towers fall. It was an event that shocked the world as no act of terrorism since the holocaust on this magnitude of a scale had ever been conceived and as the world had entered the age of technology development no one saw this coming. It truly was a black day for all of mankind which sparked the invasion of the US on Iraq soil.
4. Christchurch mosque shootings

Probably the worst event since the 9/11 attack, Christchurch mosque shootings were two consecutive terrorist shooting attacks at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, during Friday Prayer on 15 March 2019. The attacks began at the Al Noor Mosque in the suburb of Riccarton at 1:40 p.m. and continued at the Linwood Islamic Centre at about 1:55 p.m. The gunman live-streamed the first attack on Facebook. The attacks killed 51 people and injured 49. Brenton Tarrant, a 28-year-old man from Grafton, New South Wales, Australia, described in media reports as a white supremacist and part of the alt-right, was arrested and initially charged with one murder. Tarrant was later charged with 51 murders, 40 attempted murders, and engaging in a terrorist act; he pleaded not guilty to all charges, with the trial expected to start in June 2020. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern described it as "one of New Zealand's darkest days". The government established a royal commission of inquiry into its security agencies in the wake of the attacks, which are the deadliest mass shootings in modern New Zealand history.
5. Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II becomes the longest-reigning monarch in British history
At the age of 89 years, 141 days, Elizabeth II becomes the longest-reigning British Monarch. One leader later, she becomes the world’s longest-reigning current monarch. As of this post, her Majesty is now 93 years of age, but she still maintains the air and decorum of royalty and her sharp wits about her.

We at myFirst & Oaxis want to wish you guys a Happy New Year and may all your endeavors for the year 2020 will come to fruition. We hope to keep you entertained throughout the year with our blogs and plans.
Stay tuned for our new products set to hit the shelves this Feb 2020!